Thursday, October 13, 2011


Fancy becoming a director? Eager to create your own short clips? Tired of writing boring stuff? Worry not..DVOLVER has the answer to all of it.

DVOLVER is a new technology that could make learning English more creative and fun for the students and even for the teachers to use it in class.It is a website Which encourage students to come out with a cartoon comic strip type movie online using pre-made graphics.The sites is so easy to use,free and suitable for beginners of lower secondary students aged 12-15 years old. In fact, with just a few minutes familiarizing with the website, students can easily start their own short creative production using different context, storylines and crazy ideas!! Just how much fun is that. The best part is students will not only think on how to make their clips interesting but also need to think hard on how to make use the language comprehensible to the readers.

Here's a sample that we can make through DVOLVER..or you can click HERE to try it for youself.

Although Dvolver has some of the main interesting features that could make learning becomes more fun and addictive, it does have its own drawbacks especially when it comes with technology.

The advantages:
  • I find the websites amusing as it promotes the students to become more creative by making thier own stories as they desire through pre-made graphics available.
  • Students will also engage with real life communication as they need to carefully compose the right language used with the right context.
  • Plus, the website itself is load with different characters, musics, and scenaries available for the learners to choose from making the results more interesting and fun to do in class.
  • It could also encaurage the  students to become autonomous as the students could make use of the website at home and experiment with the language more freely and countinuosly.
  • Surprisingly, the most important thing Dvolver has to offer is that the website is completely FREE and anyone could use it till their hearts content.

The drawbacks:
  • The number of words that is allowed in the dialogue are limited to 100 words. Thus, this will restrict the students capability of using the language freely.
  • Too much freedom would make the students to be out of control and use inappropriate language in thier work.
  • Some of the schools or even the students' home will not have the access to the internet and this will make learning through Dvolver unaccessible.
  • Students are not able to edit thier own product and need to start all over again in order to make new corrections. 
  • The learners creativity are restricted as they can only use the characters, musics, and background that is pre-made for them to use without having the opportunity to create one of thier own.

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